Someone Interesting that you follow on Social Media :)

Hello everyone, I hope you are well.

Today in this section of my blog I come to talk to you about a person that I have been following for some time on social networks, her name is Josefa Paz.

I am not one to follow people I don't know on social networks, but there are exceptions (like this case for example) since she is dedicated to publishing content focused on personal growth, a topic that is totally of my interest.

Josefa Paz (her username is @josefapaz333) is a girl who uploads videos to Tik Tok, a social network where it is characterized by containing short videos. Its content focuses on personal growth, self-love, energy and manifestation; Since in her videos she explains and recommends how to transform your life using nothing more and nothing less than your mind and your imagination. This piques my interest since it is a topic which I believe and practice.

I have been following her channel for approximately 7 months, and I think I will continue to follow her on social media forever (if she doesn't change her content). I remember having discovered her channel while browsing the same social network, I saw a video of her and I found it super interesting, then I checked her profile and decided to follow her.

If you have the need to want to change as a person and are looking to grow personally, I recommend watching their content!


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