Something you enjoying doing outdoors

 Sincerely, I like to be outdoors, from going on walks, visiting a park, and doing exercise. I never really liked being indoors, which is why I try to make it so I spend as few hours inside as I am able to. Nevertheless, there is one special activity that I love more than others when doing it outside: Exercising.

I started doing it not too long ago, mostly because I had to stop going to a sports club at which I used to train, which was an indoors gym. But now that I perform a more independent type of exercise, I get to choose to perform it outdoors.

The fun part is that this activity can be pretty varied, since the place changes depending on what I want to train that day.

Some of the routines I perform are: jogging (on a route that surrounds my neighborhood), elongation (in this case I choose the plaza, the grass is comfortable to lay down on), or cardio (for this I go to the park, they have an area with machines for exercising).

I like to train outdoors a lot, and compared to a gym this is a lot better because there is fresh air, there is not too much noise and you can have your own personal space.

As of late, even though I like it a lot, I have not had enough time to train outdoors, the last time I got to do it was not that long ago (a little bit after a week), since college has me busy and quite tired.


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