My last blog :(

 Good morning everyone, today unfortunately I am writing to you from home because I fell asleep :( . The end of this semester has been very heavy for me.

This will be the topic of my blog today.

This semester I had to take 8 subjects, including seminar and workshop. At first I thought I could cope but I was practically struggling with the semester hahaha :') . However, there were subjects that helped me, in addition to learning a lot, the teachers understood me and helped me (I take this opportunity to thank Simon since he understood me throughout the entire semester).
Those subjects were: English 4, an elective called "Producing an Accessible Habitat", and "Sustainable Design and Construction with Mass Wood"

On the other hand, I had very complicated subjects, which also required much more time than normal. Those subjects are: Workshop 7, Bachelor's Seminar, and an elective called "Natural lighting, efficient design in architectural spaces."  They took away a thousand hours of sleep from me throughout the entire semester :(

My best moment of the semester was when I finished the theoretical subjects haha, after that I felt much freer (but not completely, Seminar and Workshop continues to condemn me)

My best grades were in the subject "Producing an Accessible Habitat", there all my grades were above 6.0. On the other hand, my worst grade was a 3.0 in Workshop 7 :'(

Despite all the bad things, I met incredible people with whom I shared much of my time. Among them my colleagues: Sofía Bravo, Salvador Sepúlveda, Cristian Brizuela, Francisca Saavedra and Matías Loyola.

Likewise, I had incredible teachers, among them: "Mariela Gaete, Gabriel Felmer and Simon Higginson". I feel very lucky to have chosen them this semester.

With great feeling, I say goodbye to my classmates, teacher and readers of my blog! Thanks for everything! 


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