Language / English

 Good morning everyone :) Today I will talk about my experience learning the English language :)

I remember that I started having my first English classes at school, when I entered first grade. I was always very good at learning, I even had the best average in the class. I think it was a little easier for me since since I was little I liked listening to music in English (I loved listening to Disney Channel singers of the time). I never understood what the songs said hahaha but in one way or another it didn't seem so unfamiliar to me listening to it. 

My story learning English is very sad :( I will tell you a little. As I told you, since I was little I received English classes at school, I learned a lot since there were many hours of English a week. Thanks to that we all had a very advanced level at an early age. 

Unfortunately, since I was 12 I let myself go with my learning, I feel like everything I ever learned is gone LOL :(

I have a love-hate relationship with English, on the one hand I feel that it is very easy, I can read it and understand what it says (or at least the ideas), but when it is my turn to write/speak it I can't do it :'(

Lately I've been convincing myself to recover my level, so I've been listening to more music in English again, and I also installed DuoLingo hahaha (it's an app that teaches you languages)

At the same time, I have English classes at my university. I honor my teacher Simon since his classes are very dynamic, which makes us learn by reading, listening and interacting. My favorite part is when he makes us fill in the incomplete sentences of a written text with words.

For me, English is and will be very important, it is a language that helps you communicate in any country. I feel like it's a universal communication tool hahaha

That's all for today. Thanks for reading me!


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