My Cultural Radar

 Hello everyone! Today I will talk about culture, but first, I was inspired by the great artist Hayley Williams of the band "Paramore". A few minutes ago I read her radar and I found it very interesting, I will tell you a little.

PART 1: Hayley Williams Cultural Highlights

Among the topics she writes, she talks about music, astrology, cinema, style and her favorite drink. It's intersting to read how one of my favrite artists has very common tastes and habits, even similar to mine. For example, she talks about how much she loves criminal movies (guilty taste haha) and how much she loves looking at Instagram profiles about hairdressing and exotic hairstyles.

But, the most interesting part (for me) of this radar, is the topic of Astrology, because I also believe in astrology, the universe and energies. 

[ If you want to read her radar, I attach the link below: ]

PART 2:   Davidson Cultural Highlights !

After having been inspired by the previous radar, now I will make my own cultural radar :)

1- Music: Billie Eilish
2- Sport: The world of Cheerleading 
3- Beliefs: Energies and Manifestation
4- Documentaries: Crimes, investigations and mysteries.
5- Inspiration app: Pinterest


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